Respecting employees’ pronouns

R2 implements and acknowledges all the advice below and strongly recommends it to all employers

Using an employee’s correct pronouns is a simple but important way to show respect and inclusivity in the workplace. Some employees may use pronouns other than the traditional he/him or she/her, such as they/them or ze/hir.

Employers should create a culture that supports all employees, including those who identify as non-binary, genderqueer, or transgender.

Here are some ways employers can respect employees’ pronouns:

  1. Ask for employees’ pronouns:
  • When introducing new team members or in company communications, ask employees to share their pronouns.
  • This shows that the company is committed to creating an inclusive environment and that employees’ identities are valued.
  1. Use employees’ correct pronouns:
  • Once employees have shared their pronouns, make sure to use them consistently.
  • If you make a mistake, apologize and correct yourself.
  • Avoid making assumptions about someone’s pronouns based on their appearance or name.
  1. Educate all employees:
  • Provide training to all employees on the importance of using correct pronouns.
  • Include information on the use of gender-neutral pronouns and why they are important.
  1. Update HR policies:
  • Ensure that all HR policies are inclusive of all gender identities and pronouns.
  • Add gender identity and expression to anti-discrimination policies.
  • Allow employees to update their pronouns in company records and ensure that these are used in all communications.
  1. Provide gender-neutral restrooms:
  • Make sure that all employees have access to restrooms that align with their gender identity.
  • If the office only has gendered restrooms, provide signs that indicate they are gender-neutral.

Respecting employees’ pronouns is a simple but important way to create an inclusive workplace.

By taking these steps, employers can create a welcoming environment that supports all employees, regardless of their gender identity.