Inclusivity Strategies to Implement at Work

R2 implements and acknowledges all the advice below and strongly recommends it to all employers

  1. Create an inclusive work culture: Foster an environment where all employees feel valued and included. This can be done by implementing inclusive policies, practices and programs, recognizing and celebrating diversity, and encouraging open communication.
  2. Provide accommodations: Ensure that the workplace is accessible for all employees. This includes providing accommodations such as assistive technologies, accessible facilities, and flexible work arrangements.
  3. Educate employees: Conduct training sessions for employees on disability awareness, accessibility, and inclusive practices. This can help to raise awareness, increase understanding, and promote a culture of inclusion.
  4. Hire inclusively: Develop inclusive hiring practices to attract and hire candidates with disabilities. This can include partnering with disability employment organizations, posting job openings on disability-specific job boards, and ensuring job descriptions and applications are accessible.
  5. Provide career development opportunities: Ensure that career development opportunities are accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities. This can include providing mentorship, leadership development programs, and accessible training and development opportunities.
  6. Encourage disclosure: Create a safe and inclusive environment where employees feel comfortable disclosing their disabilities. This can help employers to provide the necessary accommodations and support to enable employees to perform their jobs effectively.
  7. Measure and track progress: Regularly measure and track progress towards disability inclusion goals. This can help employers to identify areas for improvement and ensure that their inclusion efforts are having the desired impact.